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    « You shall reap what you sow... | Main | Wow! »

    October 09, 2008


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    JT was that you I saw hugging Mccain and preaching it from the front row in the black suit? :) If it was you were on CNN my friend in an angry McCain supporter story.

    James T

    In the flesh baby... IN THE FLESH!

    Zach W.

    James "Hip Beggings" Harris


    You rocked today, James. :)


    Mr. James

    I am not going to lower myself to degrading you, or call you out.... BUT YOU SOUNDED LIKE OL' FIDDLER FROM ROOTS. i can understand this is america, land of the free, home of the brave, you are entitled to your opinion, but to be honest... don't write a check that you, MASSA JOHN, and MISSY ANNE CAN'T CASH. YOU ASKED, SHUCKED & JIVED IN FRONT OF OL' MASSA BEGGIN' HIM TO TEACH THAT "N" A LESSON... WELL GOT NEWS FOR YOU.. YOU THINK BARACK AIN'T READY? YOU THINK HE DOESN'T HAVE HIS TRUMP CARDS READY?... As JAY-Z SAID... YOU DON'T WANT IT WITH HOV( NOT CALLING OBAMA GOD)


    I would like to inform you that you have been selected as a RUNNER UP for the " COON OF THE YEAR AWARD" for kissing those Crackers asses and shining their shoes with such intensity.

    Big Meat

    Do you realize the damage one negro can do Mr JT Harris?


    JT, it was really sad to see you pictured in such a negative light on prime time CNN....

    I wish the campaigns could just stick to the issues. Both sides have so many connections to shady people. Its a silly pissing contest.

    Every stop to think that maybe McCain is loosing because he is off the hook running around like a chicken with its head cut off and not because he won't get dirtier with Obama?

    Your Conscience

    Lol, I saw you on CNN today man and was dumb-founded. Do you really believe in Republican ideology? I would love to have a debate with you sir, and am very interested to see how you defend "conservative" views that are inherently racist, bigoted, and illogical. Defend corruption and the good ole boy system. Email me Tom we should have a talk


    Common sense trumps ideology! I watched your youtube rant about why you are a conservative. I was especially surprised when you said you believe in God. What does the republican party do for others? The answer is, of course, as little as possible. Try reading the Bible and paying attention to its teachings on caring for others and being peaceful. Your party does neither.

    Think about it.


    I can't figure out for the death of me why a black man would ever have the views you have. Your entitled to your point of view. I must say that personally I feel as if your point of view is silly. it is one of a person who is not only out of touch with the tide of the times but also an opinion of a no good uncle tom ... good day

    Bernard Bootlicker

    Dearest James,

    As a proud member of the American Bootlickers Council (in association with the Negro Shoe Shiners Union), i would like to congratulate one of our own. I loved the way you hugged Massa so tight against his bosom. I was so excited that i asked Mr Charlie for a 3 minute break so i could break out a little soft shoe for him. Your the greatest black man since Clarence Thomas and Chicken George. Ive been a bootlicker all my life, my daddy was a bootlicker, my son Ronald Reagan Jenkins will be a bootlicker, and i think on behalf of subserviant white man worshipping house negroes everywhere, we are proud of you brotha!


    "Uncle" Thomas Jenkins

    PS, Cuba Gooding says hi


    The man's views may be flawed however some of the comments here are not appropriate. Be civil people.


    I just heard of you today. I really appreciate your comments. I feel like you were speaking for me. I wish people would look beyond race and look at the real issues at hand. I wish people would start think like Americans. I'm convinced that Obama is not what he appears to be. I want to know about his associations. Where's his master thesis? What is his connection Olani of Kenya? I loved your "Friends" video....

    Thank you!!! God bless you!


    edub, DE, Treylove, Bernard Boolicker and whatever else you want to call yourself. I gotta believe you are the same guy - such a small amount of originality can only live on in one small minded little body. Say something constructive or just go away and stop wasting our valuable internet space.







    Constructive you say....

    Nothing from Nothing leaves.........Nothing

    Doo doo Brown III

    What a sad shame. I'd expect this from a redneck but from a brotha? And it was televised? You're scum. And the sad part is, you actually think McCain would fight for you with those lil' ass arms. He won't fight for you. He doesn't care about you. Just like "Massa" didn't care about the slave who ratted on fellow slaves. He'll keep you around until he's through you. Fact of the matter is to him you'll always be a "N-word" and that won't change no matter how much you smile, shuck and jive, tap-dance and shines massa's shoes.


    Think like an "american". what is an "american"? What does it mean to be "american"? This guy is a uncle tom plain and simple. How isn't he? What has he done that isn't along the lines of somebody who is an uncle tom? This guy sucks up to white people and coddles the powers that be. This doesn't have anything to do with obama being black or some united front for obama in fact it doesn't have anything to do with obama. This is about a black man sucking up to somebody who clearly isn't the best person for the job simply because of the self hate he harbors.

    Kunta Kinte AKA Tobie's foot

    You make me sick bruh. Seriously. I have no problem with blacks voting for McCain. That's fine and dandy. I do have a problem with blacks going around trying to impress "Massa". You standing up there and you know what people in the room are thinking? "Look at this monkey selling himself out". That's what they're thinking. They're not thinking "He's one of us". Who gives a damn about Rev Wright? Is he running for president? Ayers? None of these cats are running for president. Obama is. So I hope Republicans do try to attack Obama for the people he's been associated with. If that's the only thing Republicans can attack than they take the L. Meanwhile, Obama and the Democrats will continue to attack McCain and his policies. He'll continue to stick to the facts and the policies. That's what this race is about right? How to improve the country and what steps these candidates will take in order to do so? Its not about who you've had a conversation with in life. A black man of all people up there hugging McCain's baby hands. You need your ass whooped. I hope you move to Alaska when Obama pulls out the victory on the 5th.

    Proud Uncle Tom

    Dear Obamatons,

    As a fellow (PROUD)Uncle Tom at the McCain/Palin Town Hall, I was proud to see James stand up and speak. The only "sad" display was the fact that there weren't enough Americans of African Descent for my tastes. There's no way I'd vote for any candadate from the party of Robert Byrd & Bull Connor, Black or not!

    Lastly, I don't want government to do something FOR me, I want government to stop doing things TO me.



    Man the internet is a wonderful thing. All I had to do was Google today’s rally and I got JT Harris's name. As far as supporting McCain, I think that it is too late to try and talk about character and not about the dismal financial crisis this country is in. 5 Thousand dollar tax credit for health care, seriously. There are worse countries with better health care than the US, which is sad. I really wish that both candidates would focus on the issues and stop trying to smear each other, the country is in a crisis.
    Mr. Harris you deserve every bad blog that you get for what you did today. You are just as crazy as Sen. McCain and if he listens to your advice (which I hope he does) he is surely going to be back in the Senate next year, mad that he has to stand up when "that one" enters the senate floor as "President Barack Obama"

    And as far as not knowing who he you really think it could get any worse than it is now


    James I'm proud of you and wish I could have been there.
    Damn you looked fine in that suit and green shirt!



    I witnessed your McCain/Palin rally perfromance on television.

    My first question: Why, at the most economically fragile time since the Depression, does your candidate offer personal attacks on Senator Obama and not solutions to the crisis?

    Second question: Why did Senator McCain receive a "D" on veterans' issues from the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America? Also, why did Mrs. McCain neglect to mention that Sen. McCain voted against funding the troops?

    Third Question: It's more of a comment. I support your right to be a conservative. I'm sure your life experiences have led you to that. But why would you participate in the ugly outpouring of hate I saw on television? All I've ever heard Senator Obama espouse is the greatness of this country and the common ground we must find to perfect out Union. I can on assume that it was a publicity stunt for your little "radio show" and you "motivational speaker" hustle.

    Pray. Talk to God honestly. Ask Him if your behavior at that rally was pleasing to Him. Listen for His answer, not what you tell yourself when you look in the mirror.

    A proud Obama Supporter

    I hope you wake up one day. McCain used you and disrespected you today. Listen again to the words he said to you, and think long and hard about what he was getting at.

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