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    September 07, 2011


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    Jim Walker

    I wish I had someone to put food on my table and feed my children because it is hard to make ends meet. But no matter what, it is my job to do this and not the governments.


    Wow! It's like visiting the old neighborhood, James T. Here's the message. It's not the Government"s purpose to "put food on my table", or your table and support your family. Thats you're job. It's Governments job to pave the way for businesses to prosper and create MORE jobs, not get in the way of that process.


    liberals : always good for a chuckle!

    James T.

    Yeah Frank! I've decided that it's time to take a stroll down the block from time to time.


    I have the NC as my home page and have just not bothered to change it to another site. Glad I am a procrastinator!

    What a telling statement. It is a reflection of the lack of personal responsibility that is infecting our society. The longer this trend continues, the less likely our country will be to pull out of it. We will shortly be at a tipping point where we will begin our decent into being Greece without any hope of turning.


    Hey you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    When did you start coming back here//
    I miss the good old days.


    Good to see, hear your views as always. Don't you think that Greece comparison is a bit exaggerated?


    wow good to see you all -- miss our topical conversations ... how are you all doing ?


    BinM and Legion,

    Been too long!! Glad to be able to touch base with both of you.

    BinM, The Greece comparison maybe a little over the top but our current debt level is approaching 100% of our GDP. If I recall the figures correctly, Greece is currently at 127% of GDP. So economically, we are not there but we are quickly heading in that direction. To compound matters, we have reached the tipping point where 50% do not pay federal income taxes. That group is becoming more and more like the working class in Greece that is demanding more and more from a government that has less and less of an ability to afford those demands.

    That is my rationale for comparing us to Greece.

    Hope you check back in and would love to hear your thoughts!

    Legion, miss reading your stuff and hope to hear your perspective. That goes for Maddy too!


    Reminds me of the 2004 election when a woman stood up to ask John Kerry a question, stating, "This election is about ME, what are you going to do for ME?". What a shame.
    Noone should have to be told, "No, it's about the Country, it's about securing the freedom, prosperity, and opportunity for both to future generations. not YOU."

    James T.

    Holy cow!!! The gang is still gathering at the watering hole??? I'm shocked! This is kind of cool! Is it time to fire up the Raw site? For old time sake... For kicks and giggles?
    How does this thing work? I forgot!

    Is Derek still, around crashing planes? I see BIM and Legion and Cookers and Maddie... "sniff!"

    All hell, let me see if I can find my old codes...



    Here's hoping you get this train back up and running. I miss the banter and would love to see the band get back together.

    Anyone else in?


    I'm down Cookers, time to have some discussions

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