Why is President Obama bowing deeply before a white Republican?
Is this worse than my "begging" of Senator John McCain?
Hmmm.... bowing vs. begging...two black men doing “B” things to white
Republicans. In this picture, Obama is bowing to a conservative, and of course I
am remembered as the black man who "begged" a moderate back in the
'08 election (If you don’t remember, that’s fine.).
Hmmm... black men begging and bowing...What could this mean?
Yesterday on The View, Obama
described the black race as “mongrel,” and today, this! Will this be the bow
that utterly destroys him in the eyes of his loony lefty supporters? What about
his rock-solid support from the "mongrel" population?
I wonder, will there be a Black-lash? I mean look at that picture!!!! He is
actually doing what thousands (maybe millions) of Americans of
African descent accused me of doing. I was told that a black man should NEVER,
under any circumstances, “beg” when talking to a white man. "It’s
submissive," I was told. "It’s painful to watch. It lowers a person's value and
reminds people of slavery." But bowing is cool?
(All of this is ridiculous, of course. A real man isn’t too proud to realize
when someone is in a position of power – and in that instance, McCain had the
power to critique Obama on the national stage, not me. So I BEGGED him to take
tough stands against the Chocolate Jesus.)
But verbally saying, BEGGING is far less submissive than BOWING. Right?
Barack Hussain Obama, the freaking PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (never
mind, the first BLACK PRESIDENT) is bowing to a white man. A Republican, no less! Is this stately? Is
this magnanimous? Or is it “step ‘n fetch,” as so many classy "mongrel" critics labeled
my own actions?
"Yes suh, Mr. Christy! I'm powerfa glad to be in yo state, suh!"
Look at the self-hate. Look at the self-loathing. Look at how this black man
is prostituting himself. Why does President Barack Obama hate black people?
Over-the-top, you say? I'm reading racism into a benign situation, you
suggest? I’m blowing things out of proportion? No kidding...
Welcome to my world!
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