“James Hansen, one of the world's leading climate scientists, will today call for the chief executives of large fossil fuel companies to be put on trial for high crimes against humanity and nature, accusing them of actively spreading doubt about global warming in the same way that tobacco companies blurred the links between smoking and cancer.”
In other words, “Please, mommy, make the bad men stop!”
All of this whining from the world's premier climate scientist must be embarrassing for the scientific community. Or at least it should be. What’s next? Private citizens being forced before the inquisition? Now that would be fun. The first thing I would say is: There is no such thing as a climate scientist. Putting climate in front of science means you get to guess and still be taken seriously.
"Off with his head!"
I would like to take scientist to court over this question: Is oil really a fossil fuel? There are plenty of scientists out there who think not, and they also believe that oil, natural gas and coal are NOT finite resources -- that the big three restore themselves naturally and that we are more likely to run into it, than run out of it.
The Saudis and Russians seem to be operating under that theory. They are the number one and number two oil producers in the world and it has nothing to do with science! Most oil producing countries are not hamstrung by scientific dogma like the United States of America is.
“High crimes against humanity and nature for spreading doubt about global warming?” How about charging climate scientist James Hansen with high crimes against humanity for crippling us with junk science that inhibits exploration.
I want a divorce.
There is no such thing as man-made global warming. What Americans suffer from is lack of determination due to mental restraint.
China, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and everybody else who is drilling today are like the sexy, hot wife who wants it...now! They are uninhibited in their pursuit for natural resources, lustful in their desire. They're getting it and they want more.
America is the inhibited wife who has all of the assets, but none of the eagerness. Her inhibition is built on fake science and concern about what others think of her.
America makes excuses for not drilling…. Oil spills, polar bears and the caribou. She is preoccupied with self-righteousness and disdain for other countries that are doing what she won’t.
Now that’s a crime against humanity. America needs to get a divorce from junk science and those who promote it.
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