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    « A Nice Facility With A Terrible Attitude | Main | Insight 2007 »

    February 09, 2007


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    Makes me wonder if we haven't turned into a Nation of cowards. I hope I never come on a situation as you did. If I do, however, I hope I acquit myself in as honorable a manor. I've stood off those who would try to mug me, but I wonder if I'd help someone else out. I like to think I would. Be listening Sunday night.


    James, I guess more "recreational facilities" and "midnight basketball" isn't the solution. Values passed on from Mom and Dad to the children may be???


    Wow, that's amazing. I've never come upon such a situation, I hope I have the courage to do what you did if I ever do.

    I hope you yelled at the neighbors afterwards, that's insane.


    The problem is, in a word, FEAR.

    Do I think all 50 people on the bus are racist? No.
    These people need to ride the bus at the same time everday. If they spoke to the cops, someone would get a beating within weeks.

    The people on the porch are the same way. The muggers have 20 different addresses and aliases, the home owners have one.
    Have you ever noticed that the JS always gives the names of victims, but the perp is not ID'ed?

    Given our judicial system, the muggers would be back in weeks or days to exact revenge.
    (Nice 'make-work' scheme for law enforcement and judicial system, eh?)

    We have put such a PC halo around the criminals, that nobody trusts that we will be protected when we take action. In fact, we'd get labeled racist and get sued (the former being worse).

    For the most part white people (our leaders especially) have been neutered, so it's up to people like you to save this community.
    Thanks for being a good guy!!

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